Why Write Paranormal Cozy Mysteries?

Why Write Paranormal Cozy Mysteries?

Dec 10, 2023

One of the questions I often get is why I write paranormal cozy mysteries.

Mysteries have always been fascinating to me. And after I read my first cozy mystery, I fell in love. And then came the paranormal ones!!!

Anything paranormal has been a love for me for as long as I can remember. Halloween has always been the holiday I look forward to, not only because of trick-or-treating or scary movies but also because of the ghosts, vampires, witches, and other creatures that go bump in the night.

I can still remember my aunt taking me to the local library when I was still in elementary school and me getting books about ghosts. She asked me why I didn’t get something else. My answer…. because I want to learn more.

I’ve just always had an interest in the paranormal. It only increased as I got older.

Then came my first paranormal experience. It was after my grandmother passed away. I’m unsure what age I was, but I know I was in middle school.

We had gone to my aunt and uncle for the weekend. We had spent the evening with my family, exploring some of the things my grandmother had. They had been looking through a book where she kept track of births and deaths. Someone in the book didn’t have their birthdate. It was only a brief conversation, and I was more interested in reading my book.

The next night, I woke up in the middle of the night to find my grandparents (both deceased) standing at the end of the bed. My grandmother only said one thing… a date.

I brushed it off as a strange dream. Then, the following day, my aunt sat down at the breakfast table to say another relative had called to give the missing birthdate. The same one my grandmother had told me in my dream. From that moment on, I knew that my grandparents had visited me that night.

My interest only grew from there. I devoured everything I could find on the paranormal. And my favorite place to go on vacation with my parents was Gettysburg.

Then, as an adult, I met someone with a similar interest and ended up taking a class to learn to become a paranormal investigator. This was a fun and exciting time. And also another chance for me to experience the supernatural firsthand again. During that time, I saw another ghost. We were setting things up this time in an office building when a woman in a colorful Victorian dress walked past the doorway. It was so brief but only increased the adrenaline.

During this time, I actually met someone who was pretty well-known in the paranormal circuit, leading to me eventually becoming the executive producer for his weekly radio show. I got to meet and talk to so many people I have looked up to for years, including someone from Gettysburg.

I’ve always dreamt of being a novelist. And when I finally sat down to pursue this career, I knew it had to involve the paranormal. Horror wasn’t exactly my forte, although I did and still do love a good horror book. Finding paranormal cozy mysteries was the lightbulb for my writing. Why not combine the two things I love???

Will I ever write another genre? Possibly. But for now, I am enjoying creating this world where ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and all the creatures I have read about throughout my life live and thrive.